Monday, February 7, 2011

Ben's a Missionary!!!

Hey Everyone, this is Laura, Ben's sister!

I am going to try to keep a blog updated with all of his going on's.  Currently my computer is crappy and about 12 years old.  When General Conference comes in April I am planning on taking a trip to Utah to see 1) General Conference and 2) my handy BIL who works for Apple and will have our new computer ready to go.  So until then, you will have to make due with no pictures (no memory on my computer), etc.

Anywho.....he is still in the MTC, he has another 2 1/2 weeks there before he heads to Fiji.  I got a letter from him today and he sounds so excited.  He is learning the language very well and is enjoying learning how to be a missionary.

Here is the last email he sent:  Enjoy!

The MTC is great. With how smoothly and efficient everything is, its truly organized by heavenly father. Its amazing to me that how evil the world is and how desperate people need the gospel. Gods response is 19 year old young men. Its david and goliath all over again every day. Its a sign of his true power when he can take the most meek and defeat satins power. My branch Presidency is all amazing. Always there for any of us when we need council or help or guidence. Me and my companion blessed the sacrament in Fijian on Sunday and it went well. Didnt mess up too bad haha. The language isnt too difficult and its really beautiful to hear. escpecially the songs. Can understand it spoken alot better then I can speak it but really starting to pound the vocab and learning a lot. Starting next week we are teaching entire lessons in Fijian. I hear the food is great and the weather even better. Gonna have to send a lot of stuff home from being here in utah in the cold. Things are working out great with my companion. His name is Elder Ikafanga from australia. he's tongan. We have our moments of confrontations but working with the spirit really smooths out any problem we have ever had. We are teaching well with eachother and can really feel the spirit when we teach. Its really the only thing in the world I can do 24/7 and not get tired of it. I could teach the gospel all day! :) And thats really the main problem with teaching with my companion is that I like to talk too much. Working on it all the time. Preach my gospel is such an amazing tool! all young men should be studying it. It will truly bless them. The whole reason for preach my gospel is to convert the missionaries so that they could have an increased testimony. You can only convert someone to the level of your own conversion. We arent there to just stop by and have a scripture study once and leave. Im there to help them come unto christ for their entire lifes. I love people and I love the work. So my call is from Dec 29th 2010 to Jan 26th 2013! yay for 25 month missions! :)
I got my first "roleplay" baptism commitment for a progressive investigator! haha I think im good at teaching with the spirit because I truly love people and I can relate to so many people from the experiences ive had in my life. I know this, the true gospel, is for everyone. And most of all I do it because I know it will make them happier then they have thought possible and I want to help them get there cause I care about them. Its nice to be able to share a gift that has an endless supply :)
So its snowed here in Utah and Ive slipped.. twice already.. just hurt my pride really..
We have heard from three members of the 70 and from Elder Holland himself. It was an amazing talk and also awesome experience to hear from one of the lords elect.
We got two big groups in our zone.. my disctrict is comprised of me and my compaion. but the group going to tonga is 12 and the group to samoa is 14. Little goofy sometimes but all good missionaries. My district combines with the Haitan Creole speaking Elders and I love them all.
Its kinda bad that I like asking Elders and Sisters where they are serving just to show off that I have the best mission in the world haha just kidding.
Cant wait to get to fiji! four more weeks to go and there is never enough time in a week. they go by so fast!
I cant believe the blessing that are being POURED out on me and my family. Its too much to take in. Im feeling a lot like the verse Mosiah 2:24
Cant wait to get to fiji and become one of the people. to see how they speak and act. They are such a loving people always friendly. Islands too small to hold grudges or enemies. haha
had a lot more I wanted to write about but im out of time.
My goal is to become one of the people. to love and be loved as a brother not just a visitor for 2 years.
Thanks for all the love and support. 


Elder Estill


  1. Hey Laura , Elder Estill's sister lol , im Elder ikafanga's sister , and i was just searching my last name on facebook when i came across 'Elder Ikafanga' and decided to click it and read the blog , wow thats crazy huh ! both our brothers are missionarys lol , theyre gonna be great ones too soon ! well hope all is well with you and your family . Elder Ikafanga and Elder Estill yous ROCK !

  2. *google* sorry not facebook .
